Tournament Info
Sunday April, 20th. After church from 15:30 – 17:30.
The deadline to sign up is April 18th.
The field will be split in half so two games can be played at once. Each team will compete in a round robin format.
Have your gear ready and grab lunch immediately after church.
There will be trophies for the MVP (Best overall player), BG (Best Goalie), BFB (Best Fan Base), and the winning team!
Put your name under the country you are representing on the Google Sheet. Those who don’t have enough for a team, we’ll help form teams with others who don’t have enough.

1. 5+1 format. Can have a max of 10 players on your team with any gender or age.
2. There will be no offsides.
3. Ball can only be brought back in by throw-in.
4. Substitutions will be hockey style. In other words “on the go”.
5. Corner and penalty kicks allowed.
6. One 30 second time-out allowed per game for each team.
7. Ref’s have authority to distribute red and or yellow cards to aggressive players or those disobeying rules.
8. No overtime.
9. 2 minute halftime break.
Any questions message the tournament organizer – Alex Verhogljad +372 5830 9028